Girdle of venus cutting sun line

This will increase the nervousness, the danger of hysteria, and also the retiring disposition. It also makes the person quite extravagant where the person craves for the luxurious life. This line represents excessive desire for sex, alcohols and drugs. I wasnt quite 100% on how to read this line, does anyone have an opinion. You will be surprised to know what the girdle of venus. The girdle of venus also known as the second heart line, is above the heart line. It can be seen at the outer edge of the palm and the line proceeds towards the area under your little finger this area is also known as the mount of mercury. If marriage line unites with a girdle of venus then it may lead to an unhappy married life. The distinctive component of this line lies in its chose bend. This species is pelagic and is found in tropical and subtropical oceans worldwide in midwater ecology. Such a person would live mostly in the unrealistic world. In palmistry, your marriage line is a small line located under your pinky. Star on the mount of venus indicates that the person will be highly successful in love matters and getting the help or support from the opposite sex.

A girdle of venus should be present and possibly doubled or tripled signifying passionate nature. Canals run the length of the ribbon in which bioluminesce activates when disturbed distribution. When a line from the head line reaches to jupiters mount, and the fate line turns and loses itself in that line, it shows danger of madness through exaggerated pride and selflove. The heart line may appear as chained, a configuration often seen in palms of clairvoyants.

Daily mirror significations of minor lines girdle of venus. The girdle of venus is directly above that line, some people have this and some do not. Dont be surprised if you see more than one marriage line in. Very deep and often red and cutting through the lines of fate and the sun. Sun lines presense gives a boost to the existing fate line. If a deep girdle of venus cuts a line of affection, the heart line has drooping lines from it, the head line becomes defective toward the end and terminates in a star, and the saturn line is cut by a bar which stops it, the excesses of the subject will ruin his married life and cause great sorrow, finally ending in an impairment of the mental faculties. Our shining sun, sustainer of life, is represented in palmistry by fire ring fingers, and in their underlying pads of flesh. You will be surprised to know what the girdle of venus line on your palm means. Plain of mars hollow toward head line, an influence line from the mount of venus cutting head line, small and underdeveloped thumb, pale and wide head line with black spots on it and life line forked at the start, a star on the head line at the end of a line of influence, head line wavy and inclining towards a wavy health line, a. The head line most likely will curve toward or into the luna mount, the mount revealing ones tendency for dreaminess, creativity and imagination. If it is cut by a line on the mount of saturn, it indicates loss of wealth. Line of life at 30 and ends at the percussion of mars after cutting a star at the connection of the lines of the head and the sun. The sun line in palmistry reading hill apollo meaning.

The person is sensual and passionate about the physical pleasure derived from the opposite sex. Do you have these special signs on the mount of venus. Often the girdle is composed of broken fragments 526. Its also regarded as the sister line of heart line which is often seen on the soft palms. Long before acquiring a scientific name, it was known as venuss girdle, and properly so, for the goddess of love deserves the most lovely of accouterments. Discover lace detail dress in sand multi online at venus at an affordable price today. Loss of fame, money and reputation due to wrong decision. The girdle of venus may be complete as in the picture or, more often, composed of broken or overlapping lines. If on hand there is girdle of venus, such a person all event misses a through the soul. Horizontal line from mount of saturn cuts sun line. Your girdle of venus may be a complete line, but in most cases it is broken, or overlapping lines. A double girdle of venus, a line of fate stopped short by the above lines of influence and. The animal has a slitlike mouth in the middle along the narrow margin of this band and an aboral organ organ of equilibrium along the other narrow margin.

The sun or apollo line is the sister line to fate line. Intuition line palm reading guide to reveal the secrets. Venussgirdle article about venussgirdle by the free. A star on the girdle of venus is indicative of venereal diseases. Located above the heart line, girdle of venus is the arched line surrounding middle finger and ring finger. This is most often seen on the least nervous hands, and is for this reason not so frequently an indication of hysteria as of increase of animal appetites. Venus is the planet most like earth in terms of size, and its the one that approaches closest to earth. Girdle of venus definition of girdle of venus by merriam. Palmistry fate line your fate line is the key to your. A forked beginning to a fate line suggests two distinct sides to the subjects ambitions. Fig 12 when such a line is touching the heart line, then separation or divorce can be confirmed. Venus girdles resemble transparent ribbons with iridescent edges.

Some people even have a second heart line, which floats above the first. The shape of the girdle of venus is quite similar to a crescent moon hanging over our heart line. As capacitors of potential energy, sun mounts relate to flair, personal style, selfexpression and talent, especially in the creative arts. Which is the long line from about an inch down from your pinky finger across your palm. At the point at which the girdle of venus is getting lifted under the mercury finger, there is a break in the heart line or the heart line is becomeing faint. Girdle of venus definition is a line that appears on the palm at the base of the fingers, that forms a semicircle beginning between the first and second fingers and ending between the third and fourth fingers, and that is held by palmists to indicate a highstrung nervous temperament and sometimes a tendency toward hysteria or despondency. A line from the mount of venus cutting an upward branch of the line of life and ending at a line of the sun a law suit won. Its also the planet that is easiest to find in the night sky or more correctly, the dusk or dawn sky. An introduction to this rare and sensitive little line called the girdle of venus mainly found in womens hands and adds sensitivity to men. The head line split through its entire length and ending on the mount of moon with a star, also indicates danger of mental aberration.

It ascends on mount of moon, lower percussion territory and in a bend, finishes on or close to the mount of mercury mount underneath the little finger. Venuss girdle, cestum veneris ribbonshaped comb jelly of the order cestida phylum ctenophora found in the mediterranean sea. The sun line begins from the mount of venus the portion of the palm surrounded by the life line at the base of the thumb and extends to the base of the ring finger usually could gain both wealth and fame with the help of family. Continuing further from my previous blog significant markings island today we will discuss about girdle of venus the girdle of venus reflects to sensuous side of the subject. All of us have heard about the heart line in palmistry that is a window into our lovelife and represents our. If it is found, it commences between the bases of fingers of jupiter and saturn and ends between fingers of apollo and mercury. Venus is never farther than 48 degrees from the sun and is visible. The curved line starting from between the first two fingers and ending between the last two fingers is called girdle of venus.

It is true without a doubt that all the lines on the hands are subject to change,depending upon the persons thought process and. People with the ring of venus feature strong sense of beauty and talent in art and creation. Click on the pictures below to learn the various traits of the palmistry minor lines. Sometimes considered as a second heart line, the girdle of venus starts between the first and second finger and runs across your mount of saturn and apollo, ending between the third and fourth finger. And that provided a basis for its official naming, for kestos is greek for girdle. If the girdle of venus is cut by many short lines, it increases bad qualities. Line that extends from the hill called the apollo line of the sun.

Because the sun and venus are never more than 48 degrees apart, the only aspects they can make to each other are the semisextile, semisquare, or the conjunction. When the hill of apollo, the sun coming off the line to the hill of mercury, such a person becomes a journalist, writer, dancer and produced good results in the field of art. A sun line from wrist till head line indicates luck and fame at very young age. If it is cut by a line on the mount of apollo, it means loss of position. The belt of venus also called venuss girdle, the antitwilight arch, or antitwilight is an atmospheric phenomenon visible shortly before sunrise or after sunset, during civil twilight. Fire fingers, and the mounds at their roots, are named after apollo, the sun god. If the line has breaks it can represent an individual who needs to keep his temper in check or can indicate a person with deep.

It starts in mount of moon and ends near base of apollo ring finger. Its graceful, transparent body, which is a delicate violet in colour, is 1 metre about 40 inches or more long and about 5 cm 2 inches wide. If this girdle of venus is half formed or broken or has cutting lines fig, then remember you are very possessive in. Girdle of venus in palmistry, ring of venus on the palm. A deep, black dot on the line of life at 18 and another at 23 connected by lines of influence with a black dot on the line of head, from there a very thin line went up into the mount of saturn, entering tripe girdle of venus.

The intuition line lies along the edge of the hand close to the percussion. Significant markings girdle of venus palmistry solutions. A very straight and deep line of influence starling from an island cm the mount of venus cuts a star on the. A strong sun line will always compensate for a weak or non existent fate line. Sun line, apollo line palm reading chinese palmistry. The girdle of venus is having a positive and a negative impact on human. Venussgirdle cestus veneris, a marine animal of the phylum ctenophora. These animals swim horizontally using muscular contractions as well. The body shape is a flat, jellylike band approximately 1. Do you know the meaning of minor lines on your palm. However not many people know that a few of us also have a second heart line the one that floats above the first it is called the girdle of venus. This marking has a negative reputation in palmistry, which id love to overturn in this blog. The sun line or apollo line is one of the important lines in palm reading.

Interpretation of sun line with images indian palm. Girdle of venus the girdle of venus is a curved line under the ring and. Its so named because it originates from the mount of moon located on the base of the palm, little finger side and descends upward to the mount of sun located below the ring finger which is also called the apollo finger. The girdle of venus can indicate a woundup and nervous person. If a branch from the venus mount meets with a line from the luna mount. Girdle of venus meaning in palmistry line venus on the. These individuals can experience extreme highs and extreme lows. Its presence may show the person to be temperamental, easily upset, restless and. If a branch of heart line goes to the mount of jupiter then it symbolizes love marriage but if this branch is cut short by a vertical line then it indicates breakup.

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